Bowman Plating has openings for the following:

Experienced anodizer: Experience with hard, sulphuric, boric acid and chromic acid anodizing.  Bilingual a plus.

Experienced Plater: Experience with Cadmium Plating, both barrel and rack plating. Experience with specifications. Bilingual a plus.

Experienced Painter: Experience with painting specifications. Bilingual a plus.

Please complete the online application. Do not mail in applications.


E M P L O Y M E N T   A P P L I C A T I O N

A)  Personal Information

1. Name (Last, First)
2. Social Security Number
3. Present address
4. Permanent address
5. Telephone number (s)
6. Referred by
7. Email (s)

B)  Employment Desired

1. Position
2. Date when you can start
3. Salary desired
4. Are you employed? Yes No
5. If you are, may we inquire of your employer? Yes No
6. Have you applied to this company before? Yes No
7. If You have, tell us when and where

C)  Education

1.  Grammar school's name and location
2.  Years Attended
3.  Did you graduate? Yes No
4.  Subjects studied
5.  High school's name and location
6.  Years Attended
7.  Did you graduate? Yes No
8.  Subjects studied
9.   College's name and location
10. Years Attended
11. Did you graduate? Yes No
12. Subjects studied
13. Trade, Business, or correspondence school
14. Years Attended
15. Did you graduate? Yes No
16. Subjects studied

D)  General

1. Subjects or special study/research work or special training/skills
2. Military service, years and rank

E)  Former Employers -- List last four with the most recent first

1.   Dates of employment (from-thru): last employer
2.   Name, address and telephone of employer
3.   Salary
4.   Position
5.   Reason for leaving
6.   Dates of employment (from-thru): prior employer
7.   Name, address and telephone of employer
8.   Salary
9.   Position
10. Reason for leaving
11. Dates of employment (from-thru): prior employer
12. Name, address and telephone of employer
13. Salary
14. Position
15. Reason for leaving
16. Dates of employment (from-thru): prior employer
17. Name, address and telephone of employer
18. Salary
19. Position
20. Reason for leaving

F) List the names of three persons not related to that you've known a year

1.  Name -- Reference 1
2.  Address
3.  Business
4.  Years known
5.  Name -- Reference 2
6.  Address
7.  Business
8.  Years known
9.  Name -- Reference 3
10. Address
11. Business
12. Years known

G)  For identification and security purposes answer these questions:

1.  What is the make or model of your first car?
2.  What is the name of your first pet?
3.  What is the name of your favorite teacher?
4.  What is your father's middle name?


I certify that the facts contained in this application are true and complete to the best of my knowledge and understand that if employed, falsified statements on this application shall be grounds for dismissal.

I authorize investigation of all statements contained herein and the references and employers listed above to give you any and all information concerning my previous employment and any pertinent information they may have, personal or otherwise, and release The Company from all liability for any damage that may result from utilization of such information.

I also understand and agree that no representative of The Company has any authority to enter into any agreement for employment for any specified period of time, or to make any agreement contrary to the foregoing, unless it is in writing and signed by an authorized company representative,

Pressing the SEND button indicates that you agree with the above terms and conditions.